until you read this first…..
Something big is happening in digital advertising; Apple has announced a new policy that will impact how businesses manage their Facebook ad campaigns through iOS apps. Starting this summer, Apple will impose a transaction fee on any Facebook ads purchased through iOS apps.
Apple’s new policy introduces a 30% transaction fee for any ad purchases made within iOS apps. This means that if you use a third-party app to manage your Facebook ads, Apple will take a cut of each transaction processed through their in-app payment system.
This could increase your marketing spend by 30% per campaign just in transaction fees alone! So your next question will be, “Kelsie, how do we avoid this?” For some of you, maybe getting an Android is the answer. I can’t bring myself to that, so I recommend kicking it “old school” with your ads and executing them from a desktop or laptop computer.
If you run your ads more traditionally through a laptop or desktop, you will completely avoid the transaction fees. This change will impact many big and small advertisers.
Save that 30%, and don’t give away those coveted marketing dollars.
-Kelsie, Owner Sprout Marketing